life is so short, we have to manage our life carefully.
many people do not realize that 4ll SWT only call us for 3 times:
First Call is ADZAN
people only aware that ADZAN call is for pray purpose or pray time.
many people do not aware for the #meaning# of adzan, we must aware from ADZAN sentence for "WE WILL GIVE YOU HAPPINESS". this very meaningful of ADZAN means. by praying 4ll will give you happiness, do not translate the meaning of happiness is just for happy but it is multi meanings like glory, victory, wealth etc. well, if you are not happy; if you have too much loan or if you have any problem. you only need to pray and leave it to 4ll as the best solution maker. but, when you leave it to 4ll, don't ask 4ll to solve your problem by your own way because 4ll has a billions of solutions and 4ll know the best for us.
Second Call is Hajj
this is very fantastic call. no doubt that HAJJ spend a lot of cash (for Indonesian of course), means you must have a lot of money for HAJJ, is it? is that mean that if you do not have a lot of money you can't go for HAJJ? NO.... even you have a lot of money, young a good moslem, it doesn't mean you will get to HAJJ. if you don't have a lot of money not a good moslem, it doesn't mean you can not go for HAJJ. this 4ll rule, like I said early 4ll has billion ways for us.
Third Call is Maut
first and second call is for a moslem, and the third call is for everyone.
no doubt; dont wait because it will come to you.
soon or later, good way or bad way.
4ll the only one who know this.
this note is written for myself and anyone who read this note.
fakih wahyudi
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